Help! Sponsors needed for Outreach, and Bible Handouts.  When you are passing by and you see this screaming for help, you could be our sponsors for outreach and Bible publication and printing.  You could also join us in giving to the sick, the  hungry, and the needy, the widows and the fatherless and Prison and Jail ministries.  YaHVaH IS FULL OF MERCIES, RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TRUTH,  He wants His people to care for those who are less fortunate in their midst, and there are many.  Give, when you are moved with compassion by His Ruach and be blessed in return.  Your gift and donation could help us reach out to those who need the Besorah of YaHVaHShooa preached to them before the end of time and your gift, big or small could help elevate the sufferings, the sick and needy, widows and fatherless and those in confinement  count on you to relieve. Your gift and donation would be a blessing, so pass by, tread softly to donate for a worthy cause.  Every penny counts...

We are currently burdened with sending the Sacred Name Bible to needy area overseas.  USPS do not offer book rate for oversea destinations and the cost of sending Bible overseas is prohibitive.  Whoever could and wish to help could send in your gift to our address below, or by credit/Debit card. 

Therefore, all donation from believers and those who loves YaHVaH and His cause is welcome from your generous heart--"for YaHVaH ELOHIM loveth a cheerful giver." 2 Cor. 9:7. 

All gifts will be acknowledged and receipted.

Make A Donation, Use your Credit/Debit Card.


 Click the Shopping Cart icon  to enter your name, address, and credit/debit card info.

Or, you may send your DONATION by check/Money Order/bankdraft/Moneygram to:

Kingdom of YaH Ministries
PO Box 10200

Casa Grande, AZ 85130 


Click the Shopping Cart icon to enter your name, address, and credit card info.